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The one where she comes back after 249 days

It's been a while since I've sat down and typed out a blog post. 249 days to be exact.

249 days - woah.

For those of you who don't know, I was a blogger for close to a decade before I quit last year, and when I quit I truly had no intention of ever coming back to it, but here I am. I'm a bit rusty though so bare with me.

When I first started blogging I was a lonely 14 year old girl who wanted to talk about her favourite tv shows with people who wouldn't judge her. My niches changed over the decade, by the time I hit 18 I was less interested in writing about The Vampire Diaries (however still obsessed with it I am) and more interested in talking about the demons that were in my head and the problems that were plaguing my life. No matter what I needed to talk about over the years, whether it was my love for Stefan Salvatore, my fleeting passion for fashion styling, my miscarriage, mental health or sex - blogging gave me the chance to do that. It was my therapy and at times my readers were the only people I felt I could talk to.

So why did I quit?

I loved blogging so much that I thought turning it into my career would make me happy. But it didn't. As soon as I started focusing on seo, promotion, sponsored posts, affiliates, influencing, what posts will bring in money etc, I lost myself and the reason I wrote in the first place. Writing blog posts became a chore and I started to censor my voice. For a long time I was feeling uninspired and like I wasn't being my authentic self, but I continued regardless. It wasn't until both my Dad and Nan got diagnosed with terminal cancer late last year that I decided to quit. Not just because I wouldn't have time as a carer, but because it reminded me that we have one very short life and we shouldn't waste a single second of it being inauthentic or doing something that isn't bringing us happiness.

After all that, why am I back?

Since leaving the blogging world I became the owner of Hanbelles Designs, a small business selling original art prints, and I couldn't be happier with what I've created and what I'm doing. I found what I'm supposed to do for a living, but I still found myself missing blogging. I fell in love with blogging when it was my hobby and when I didn't care how many readers I had, and fell out of love with it as soon as I tried to turn it into something I didn't want it to be. But writing never stopped being a passion, so I want to take it back up as a hobby again.

What can you expect from me?

I have a lot to say about a lot of things and it's been a long time since I've written anything, so you can expect to see a shit load of nicheless posts coming your way. I'm talking mental health, sex, checking your boobs, smear tests, the inhumane events going on around the world right now, insecurities, love, health, exes, dating, my 2am thoughts and everything in between! Since this is going to be a hobby, I won't be putting any pressure on myself to post on certain days, there won't be any vigorous promotion or income chasing. I'm going back to my roots, so expect to see me. Raw, uncensored, authentic me.

Stay authentic angel

With love, Han



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